Dentist Dr. Elena Worthington MSc
Your dental practice in Grünwald near Munich
Dear patients,
I would like to do a short presentation of myself.
Career & qualifications
- 1993 - 1999: Dental studies in Regensburg
- 2000 - 2002: Assistance in practice for oral surgery Dr. Ludwig Aichner in Regensburg
- 2002: A-diploma of the European Academy for Acupuncture
- 2000 - 2001: Academic guest employee in the university hospital Regensburg - Parodontology
- 2001: Publication in Rome - "Periodontal Healing Dynamics After Using Anorganic Bone and/or PDGF-BB"
- Graduation in cardiology in the university hospital Regensburg "Koronary Heart Disease and Accompanying Manifestations of the Arteriosclerosis"
- 2002: Completion of the curriculum for implantology at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie im Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferbereich e.V. (DGI; German Association for Dental Implantology)
- since 01/2003: Own dental practice in Grünwald - Focus on the subdiscipline implantology
- 2002: National specialization in implantology (DGI)
- 2007: Granting of the title "Master of Science" in Oral Implantology
- since 2007: International specialization in implantology
International aid projects
- 08/2002: Dental aid project in Brasil - treatment of street children in Porto de Galhinas
Memberships in medical societies
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Implantologie im Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferbereich e.V. (DGI; German Association for Dental Implantology)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde e.V. (DGZMK; German Association for Dentistry)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für computergestützte Zahnheilkunde e.V. (DGCZ; German Association for computer based dentistry)
- Implantology portal / Master of Science Club in Oral Medicine (MSC)